So, I did indeed get hungry last night at 9PM just as I expected. My stomach started really growling....so it was "Do I try and fall asleep like this or just quiet the roar?". The roar was quieted with a peanut butter sandwich on light wheat bread.....all while reading my current book....in bed. I'm classy like that.

Breakfast was a return of an old favorite.....Barney Butter on a light wheat english muffin with a 1/2 cup of strawberries. I need to get back to my "breakfast experiments" but I just have not been feeling creative.

After dropping the kids off at school, I went to spin class. We did 30 minutes of spin and 30 minutes of weights: tons of weighted lunges, triceps and abs.
My dad came to town on business and my mom came along today so we got to go shopping! We went to Bloomingdales for lunch. I was distressed to find out that they took my favorite item off the menu: Salmon Caprese salad. The nerve! I was perplexed on what to order. I decided on a chicken sandwich with pepper jack cheese, sun dried tomatoes, caramelized onions and spinach. I asked for salad instead of fries. But when they brought it out.....lo and behold....fries all over my plate. So I got the salad on the side.

I did not touch the fries. Way to go Self Control! I forgot to ask for the salad dressing on the side....my bad. It was too gorpy for me so I only had a couple of bites. Not the most satisfying lunch but oh well...... 
The chili was actually a little too meaty and strong tasting for my liking. I don't know how else to describe it but "strong". The salad was yummy though!!!!
Breakfast was a return of an old favorite.....Barney Butter on a light wheat english muffin with a 1/2 cup of strawberries. I need to get back to my "breakfast experiments" but I just have not been feeling creative.
After dropping the kids off at school, I went to spin class. We did 30 minutes of spin and 30 minutes of weights: tons of weighted lunges, triceps and abs.
My dad came to town on business and my mom came along today so we got to go shopping! We went to Bloomingdales for lunch. I was distressed to find out that they took my favorite item off the menu: Salmon Caprese salad. The nerve! I was perplexed on what to order. I decided on a chicken sandwich with pepper jack cheese, sun dried tomatoes, caramelized onions and spinach. I asked for salad instead of fries. But when they brought it out.....lo and behold....fries all over my plate. So I got the salad on the side.
I did not touch the fries. Way to go Self Control! I forgot to ask for the salad dressing on the side....my bad. It was too gorpy for me so I only had a couple of bites. Not the most satisfying lunch but oh well......
Moving on.....shopping was quite successful. I'm going the American Music Awards in Los Angeles next month and I've been trying to find a dress for ages and I found one today!! You'll have to wait til then to see the pics. :) I'm super excited about it!!!
After several hours of shopping we came home and grabbed the hubby and kids and went out to dinner. Our original idea was Sammy's Woodfired Pizza (love this place!!!) but the wait was way too long so we ended up at Red Robin. The kids were excited. :) I ended up having the soup and salad combo. I ordered the chili for my soup.....it seemed appropriate as it was really cold outside!
The chili was actually a little too meaty and strong tasting for my liking. I don't know how else to describe it but "strong". The salad was yummy though!!!!
Not the most healthy day but I'm trying to teach myself to eat the things I like in moderation. No need "to go to town" on yummy foods.....a few tastes should satisfy your cravings. I wish I could say that it works all the time but I'd be lying. I am human after all. :)
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