Vegas Baby!!
Have you missed me?? I've been enjoying a very relaxing time in Vegas!!! I really love this place!
When I last left you, I was at my brother's place in Santa Monica. While I was blogging, I was enjoying a glass of wine and some pita and hummus:

My sister in law and I got ready and then went over to my hubby's brother's law firm anniversary party. I had some more wine:

My mother in law was gracious enough to hold my wine for the picture. Cute huh? There were lots of yummy snacks:

Mini burgers, ahi tuna crisps and unpictured mushroom flat breads. I had a few of the flat breads and ahi crisps. YUM!! Around 9PM, hubby and I decided to the hit the road for Las Vegas. I told him I'd drive the second half so I decided to take a nap in the car. When I opened my eyes, we were at the border (about 30 minutes to Las Vegas)....what a sweetie the hubby was for driving that far and letting me sleep!! We stopped to get gas and then I drove us into Las Vegas. Of course we couldn't go right to sleep so we checked in (I grabbed some little mini sandwiches from the VIP area. Hehehehe....sneaky style!) and decided to hit the tables for a little bit before we hit the hay.
We decided to go downstairs for breakfast at the Grand Lux Cafe...I really like that place. It's owned by The Cheesecake Factory and the food is always good. I started with a non fat honey vanilla latte:

I've decided that I've been spoiled by Starbucks and that lattes in restaurants don't measure up. I think I'll just stick with regular coffee and milk from now it in restaurants. Anyone else agree/disagree with me?
I ordered the Baja Omelet with sliced tomatoes:

It had pepper jack cheese, salsa and tons of veggies. So good!! I had part of a bagel as well because I really felt the need for bread!! Everything hit the spot!!
After breakfast, we hit up a bunch of different hotels and gambled at all of them. I accepted every one of the free glasses of wine each time the drink ladies came around. :) We did pretty well actually so it was fun!! We went to the MGM to go to the weigh-in for the fight. On the way, we ran into Roger Mayweather who is Floyd's (one of the fighters) uncle and trainer:

The weigh-in was fun....we didn't have VIP passes like we sometimes do so we didn't get to sit up front but had pretty good seats anyway:

Afterwards we decided to grab a late lunch. I split a cheese pizza with the hubby:

You know....sometimes a greasy cheese pizza is all that you need in life. I discovered something....they didn't have red pepper flakes (which are essential for me on a pizza)....they only had I rolled with it. What did I discover you ask? I like Tabasco on a pizza.....a lot. Possibly more than red pepper flakes. Who knew?
We came back to our hotel (the Palazzo) and the hubby wanted to gamble some more but I was feeling tired. Could it have been the late drive? Or the copious amounts of wine I had? Either way, a nap was in order. But before one naps, one needs chocolate:

Little chocolate caramel bites of goodness. It was around 5:30 when I fell asleep. The hubby walked in the room around 10PM asking me if I had any plans to get up. Ha ha ha! Of's Vegas!!!! So I rallied and we hit the tables a little more and started to look for a place for dinner. We were at the Wynn and a lot of places were already closed except for Red 8, which was Chinese/Pan Asian cuisine.
I ordered some kind of curry noodles with pork and shrimp:

I found the noodles a little dry, so I asked the waiter for some extra sauce and he brought me a chili Sriacha. Now, I wanted to argue with him about the differences between sauce and condiments but I held my tongue and went with it. The "sauce" wasn't exactly what I had wanted but it actually did the trick. You know how I love my spicy food! After that, we called it a night....the poor hubby had not napped and was not as rested as I was. :)
There is a Coffee Bean right downstairs, so the hubby asked me what I wanted. I went with a non fat vanilla latte and a fruit cup:

I decided that at least ONE meal should be healthy right? We decided to order a movie in our room and lay low. We ordered Shutter Island and it kinda sucked. Oh well.
I got my lazy bum up and got dressed. We decided to go to the Country Club at the Wynn for lunch. Hubby loves golf and the last time he golfed here he wanted to try that restaurant but couldn't for whatever reason. We waited about 20 minutes or so for a table (which was weird since there were tons of tables available) and finally were seated by the window over looking the beautiful course.
Hubby and I both ordered a glass of wine which arrived after our meal came. I ordered the cobb salad with shrimp:

It arrived with no dressing :( so I had them bring me some on the side. The wine did arrive and the salad tasted great so all was well. I was just surprised at the lack of service at such a nice establishment.
Hubby decided to meet some friends at the Hard Rock so I thought that it would be appropriate for me to catch up on the bloggy and to spend some leisurely time getting ready for the fight tonight! I brought a bottle of Merlot with me so I've been enjoying it while catching up with you guys!
When I last left you, I was at my brother's place in Santa Monica. While I was blogging, I was enjoying a glass of wine and some pita and hummus:

My sister in law and I got ready and then went over to my hubby's brother's law firm anniversary party. I had some more wine:

My mother in law was gracious enough to hold my wine for the picture. Cute huh? There were lots of yummy snacks:

Mini burgers, ahi tuna crisps and unpictured mushroom flat breads. I had a few of the flat breads and ahi crisps. YUM!! Around 9PM, hubby and I decided to the hit the road for Las Vegas. I told him I'd drive the second half so I decided to take a nap in the car. When I opened my eyes, we were at the border (about 30 minutes to Las Vegas)....what a sweetie the hubby was for driving that far and letting me sleep!! We stopped to get gas and then I drove us into Las Vegas. Of course we couldn't go right to sleep so we checked in (I grabbed some little mini sandwiches from the VIP area. Hehehehe....sneaky style!) and decided to hit the tables for a little bit before we hit the hay.
We decided to go downstairs for breakfast at the Grand Lux Cafe...I really like that place. It's owned by The Cheesecake Factory and the food is always good. I started with a non fat honey vanilla latte:

I've decided that I've been spoiled by Starbucks and that lattes in restaurants don't measure up. I think I'll just stick with regular coffee and milk from now it in restaurants. Anyone else agree/disagree with me?
I ordered the Baja Omelet with sliced tomatoes:

It had pepper jack cheese, salsa and tons of veggies. So good!! I had part of a bagel as well because I really felt the need for bread!! Everything hit the spot!!
After breakfast, we hit up a bunch of different hotels and gambled at all of them. I accepted every one of the free glasses of wine each time the drink ladies came around. :) We did pretty well actually so it was fun!! We went to the MGM to go to the weigh-in for the fight. On the way, we ran into Roger Mayweather who is Floyd's (one of the fighters) uncle and trainer:

The weigh-in was fun....we didn't have VIP passes like we sometimes do so we didn't get to sit up front but had pretty good seats anyway:

Afterwards we decided to grab a late lunch. I split a cheese pizza with the hubby:

You know....sometimes a greasy cheese pizza is all that you need in life. I discovered something....they didn't have red pepper flakes (which are essential for me on a pizza)....they only had I rolled with it. What did I discover you ask? I like Tabasco on a pizza.....a lot. Possibly more than red pepper flakes. Who knew?
We came back to our hotel (the Palazzo) and the hubby wanted to gamble some more but I was feeling tired. Could it have been the late drive? Or the copious amounts of wine I had? Either way, a nap was in order. But before one naps, one needs chocolate:

Little chocolate caramel bites of goodness. It was around 5:30 when I fell asleep. The hubby walked in the room around 10PM asking me if I had any plans to get up. Ha ha ha! Of's Vegas!!!! So I rallied and we hit the tables a little more and started to look for a place for dinner. We were at the Wynn and a lot of places were already closed except for Red 8, which was Chinese/Pan Asian cuisine.
I ordered some kind of curry noodles with pork and shrimp:

I found the noodles a little dry, so I asked the waiter for some extra sauce and he brought me a chili Sriacha. Now, I wanted to argue with him about the differences between sauce and condiments but I held my tongue and went with it. The "sauce" wasn't exactly what I had wanted but it actually did the trick. You know how I love my spicy food! After that, we called it a night....the poor hubby had not napped and was not as rested as I was. :)
There is a Coffee Bean right downstairs, so the hubby asked me what I wanted. I went with a non fat vanilla latte and a fruit cup:

I decided that at least ONE meal should be healthy right? We decided to order a movie in our room and lay low. We ordered Shutter Island and it kinda sucked. Oh well.
I got my lazy bum up and got dressed. We decided to go to the Country Club at the Wynn for lunch. Hubby loves golf and the last time he golfed here he wanted to try that restaurant but couldn't for whatever reason. We waited about 20 minutes or so for a table (which was weird since there were tons of tables available) and finally were seated by the window over looking the beautiful course.
Hubby and I both ordered a glass of wine which arrived after our meal came. I ordered the cobb salad with shrimp:

It arrived with no dressing :( so I had them bring me some on the side. The wine did arrive and the salad tasted great so all was well. I was just surprised at the lack of service at such a nice establishment.
Hubby decided to meet some friends at the Hard Rock so I thought that it would be appropriate for me to catch up on the bloggy and to spend some leisurely time getting ready for the fight tonight! I brought a bottle of Merlot with me so I've been enjoying it while catching up with you guys!
I brought my gym clothes....they have not been used. I brought the sheet....they have not been done. At least I opened the bottle of wine I brought. :)
Enjoy the fight! I think we're watching it at a friend's house and I'm kinda excited, even though it's usually not my thing. Oh and last weekend we stayed at the Palazzo and ate at Lux Cafe was SO good! Vegas is fun :-)