139.8…It Was Hot

Saturday morning Lisa picked me up bright and early to head to Newport Beach for Lauren’s birthday weekend!


We stopped at Starbucks on the way. Yes, the Barbies accompanied us. :)

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Along with my skinny vanilla latte, I had an egg white, spinach and feta wrap. It was excellent!

We couldn’t wait to meet everyone at the South Coast Plaza mall. Unfortunately we were slowed down with a ton of traffic. Ugh.


It was beyond HOT on Saturday. We decided to go to South Coast Plaza because it’s inside and air conditioned. We were close to the beach and it was almost 100 degrees!

After a bit of shopping, we decided to stop at Quattro Cafe to cool off with a beverage…..

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…and re-fuel with some lunch! This is the first of two pizzas that Dina, Lisa and I split.

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The pizza was awesome! We could have probably eaten a third.

We did a bit more shopping and stopped at Anqui Bistro for another cocktail.

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Shopping and cocktails with friends…..what could be better!?!

Group photo:

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Me, Lisa, Birthday Girl Lauren, Annette and Dina.

By the time we entered Bloomingdales, we were feeling a bit silly.

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Hot! :) They had a DJ in the store. We thought it was a good idea to request songs and dance in the middle of the store. Once I realized people had stopped and started watching us, I decided it was time to move along and keep shopping!


Before we left for the hotel, I went with Dina and Annette to get a snack.

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Awesome chocolate chip cookie!

We came back to the hotel and ate a fabulous dinner that Lauren prepared for us. I love when people cook for me!

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I had a bit of everything. Yum!!

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I added sauce to that pasta after this photo was taken. The pasta was actually brown rice pasta and tasted really good! I was impressed.

After dinner we went out dancing at Landmark. I might be a granny on most nights but when I’m at a place where I can dance AND they are playing music I like, I never want to leave. We danced until the club closed! That is big time for me. :)

Breakfast was another fabulous home cooked meal that Lauren and Kat put together.

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Egg and hashed browns. And yes, those are chocolate chip cookies. Not sure why those were on the table.

We got ready and headed to the pool for the rest of the day.


Could the day have been any more beautiful!?! It wasn’t as hot as the day before, it was just perfect.

Lisa and I shared chicken tacos and chips for lunch.

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Eventually it was time to hit the road for home. Once I arrived, I gather the husband and the kiddos up and we went to our club for “burger night”.

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It’s a build-your-own-burger menu where you check off what you want on your burger and what sides you want. I went with a regular beef burger with cheddar cheese, tomatoes, red onion, lettuce, chipotle aioli and cole slaw. Mmmmm!

Last night was an early night to bed. I needed it!

The kids don’t have school today and tomorrow so this morning was a little more leisurely. I didn’t feel super hungry this morning and plus it was too close to my class at the gym to eat a big breakfast so I had a Nature Valley Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate Protein bar.

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It was pretty good actually! Have you tried these?

I went to Cardio Muscle class and had a fabulous workout. You know I’m going to be sore  tomorrow.

I dropped my car off to get serviced and met Lisa and Annette at Wahoo’s for lunch.

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Two fish tacos on flour tortillas. These are so good!

Tonight is “hot wing night”, my friends. Can you recall the last time we had hot wing night?? I can’t….it’s been TOO long!!!!

When was the last time you stayed up way past your bedtime?


  1. You have been on more trips this year than I have been on in ten years - jealous! :D

    Hooray for hot wing night, you are right, it has been a while!

  2. Oh my goodness...when I was in Laguna Beach two weeks ago we ate a Wahoo's and I had Cajun Fish Enchiladas, they were amazing! Now I really want some, too bad I live all the way in Florida:(

  3. Looks like a lot of fun- those Nature Valley Protein Bars are one of my favorite snacks.


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